
Android Layout with Kotlin Databinding


Activatate Databinding

Enable Databinding in build.gradle file that app part inside android{} tag

dataBinding {
    enabled = true

After That Sync your app

Basic Viewbinding

Layout Compatible

if you using linear layout add layout <layout> .... linear layout ..... </layout> over there and move layout name space like xmlns:android="......" to this layout and Build your App


go to MainActivity.kt or other program file

  • Active Binding Variable using lateinit that is predefine without value initial like

      private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding
  • Set Content View Using Data Binding everything using the attribute of variable that have define in the previous step

      binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this,R.layout.activity_main)

this tell you that ‘this activity’ and R.layout.activity_main show that layout that you want to bind or showing

Databinding will generate A Specific Variable Name of Attribute like nickname_show to nicknameShow using Camel Case that automatically making by an IDE

Activity Recieving

  • Using Binding Variable in this code using bind in syntax using dot method like
      binding.doneButton.setOnClickListener {

    it in Kotlin like this in Java to call compiler that I want to make function on this class ### Managing Activity

  • Using Binding Variable and dot syntax like
      binding.nicknameShow.text = binding.nicknameInput.text
  • Using binding.apply{...} to easy managing code (binding is Binding Variable)
  • Using invalidateAll() to invaluate data (Get new data) when Refresh UI
  • Example on this program
       binding.apply {
              binding.nicknameShow.text = binding.nicknameInput.text
              invalidateAll() /* to invaluate data (Get new data) when Refresh UI */
              binding.nicknameInput.visibility = View.GONE
              binding.doneButton.visibility = View.GONE
              binding.nicknameShow.visibility = View.VISIBLE

    Using Attribute As same as using findViewById

  • Using Data Class (in Another Kotlin File) for keep the object type variable like the stuct in C or can use any class instead of data class
  • Link The Layout to that class
          <variable name="myName" type="com.example.aboutme.MyName"/>

    The name of the variable you can define but link to your data class or Any structure class.